Sunday 15 January 2012

Extending the ‘veggie patch’

Condo living can be a little limiting compared with living in rural France when you want to grow vegetables and so in order to give us more “ground” and provide more room for the lettuce and other vegetables whilst abiding by the strata laws, Tony decided to design and build a couple of planters - tasteful yet functional.  Interestingly, the planter costs $50 in material to construct and $80 in soil to fill - one can understand why not everybody chooses to grown their own vegetables here - it’s like investing in real estate!!

The photos above and below are of the very first planter already filled with little lettuces that we planted from a mixed bag of heirloom lettuce seeds - the lettuce and arugula we’ve already enjoyed grew really well so we got a little carried away and now have close to 100 growing in pots so we will either be on a lettuce cleanse or more likely gifting lettuces to friends and family in the not too distant future!

The tomatoes are doing well and we hope to have our first batch sometime next week.  The aubergines not so well - they keep producing these beautiful purple flowers but they aren’t getting pollinated - not many bees in the area (not a problem we had in France!).  We have discovered that aubergines don’t need another plant in order to produce fruit - they can self pollinate having male and female parts to their flowers.  So, armed with this new knowledge, we are now pollinating the plants (essentially taking a Q-tip and touching both male and female parts of the flower in order to encourage the ‘self pollination’) on a daily basis and hope to see the (aubergine) fruits of our labour before long!  Photo of one of the aubergine flowers below.

Dad arrived in Cayman safely on Friday night and will be visiting with us for the next 2 weeks - splitting his time between me and my sister = photos to follow of the fun and frolics we plan to partake in over the next couple of weeks!

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